Soul-Led Book


Are you ready to follow your soul’s path?
Do you want a more fulfilling, happy, and abundant life?
Are you done with the hardships of life working against you?
Does your life seem okay, but certain areas could be improved?
Do you want to finally manifest what you’ve desired and longed for, for so long?

If you answered any of these questions with yes, then this book is for you.

This book may trigger you, and that’s good. Being triggered is your guidance and chance to take a closer look at, to transform, and to heal old wounds, beliefs, and programming. Letting go of what’s hindering you and reclaiming your power is the way to ultimately manifest what you want.

The key to unlocking a better life and what you desire is through learning to listen to your soul and working through what stopped you for so long.

In this book, you will learn

* Why others manifest easily but it doesn’t work for you

* Why life is not working for you and how to fix it

* How to identify and change your beliefs

* How to deal with fear, trauma, loss, regret, blame,
negative self-talk, stress, and anxiety…and how to
transform them

* How to listen to your soul and follow your purpose

* How to manifest in alignment with your soul

Included are powerful exercises, a life-changing question, and guidance that will help you become consciously soul-led and live the life of your dreams.

Are you ready for awakening and embarking on your spiritual journey?

Soul Led Book


Soul-Led (#SoulLedBook) is a true work of “inner” art, and the mastering thereof. With lots of practical examples, based on her own life experiences, author Christina Leutner leads the way in terms of providing an inner compass to dealing with the emotions and struggles we all face in life. I find her reflection questions and self-study exercises towards the end of each chapter particularly useful. Despite being a non-native English speaker, she excels at her write-up of even the most complex and difficult issues covered in the book, i.e. the entire range of human struggles, traumas and conflicts. On a lighter note, I love how she leaves the reader empowered to take a closer look at his or her soul’s path, painting a colourful and encouraging picture of how to dare march that path! And anyone can do it: I believe that’s the best conclusion after having read Christina’s book.

Elena Paschinger | Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur


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